MEOW! made you look! hahahahaha.
did you know such a thing as catster.com exists? read on for more info...
i'm just ticked pink over the newest edition to our family!
meet giuseppe! he's the cutest, smartest, bounciest new kid on the block and i just love him oodles and oodles!
to show my love for both of my feline babies i did what any overbearing kitty mommy does...i put them on catster.com! now they are friends with many other kitties, including my friends jess and amy's cats in hoboken! woot woot for digger and bambino!
so here's the links:
nico: http://www.catster.com/?376533
giuseppe: http://www.catster.com/?377018
photos of the kitten (keep checking for updates!): http://homepage.mac.com/nicospaw/PhotoAlbum11.html
now go on with your bad self!
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