well now ladies and gents, you knew it wouldn't be long before miss nico graced the pages of my blog. i can't help it. but seriously folks, we've got an issue on our hands.
miss nico is about 2 lbs overweight. now i've been told that a fat cat is a happy cat. but the issue with nico is that her belly sort of rolls over key areas that, well, let's face it, need some cleaning. and until she can clean said areas, i have to clean them. we'll just leave it at that.
needless to say, fattie needs to go on a diet.
but here is the problem. she eats ONLY dry cat food. evidently, this cat food is much higher in calories than moist food. so i thought, well, she's a princess, canned food is more expensive, so of course she'll go for it. only the best for my little girl.
the scene played out like this:
1. here kitty kitty, mmm, smell (nasty) this yummy canned food!
2. with much trepidation nico sniffs and recoils as though she's been zapped, looks at me, meows, walks off.
3. stubborn mama says oh no you don't and over the course of the next two hours attempts to mix in treats, dry food, and eventually smears the gravy on kitty's nose to get her to AT LEAST taste it.
4. cat meows. incessantly. for the next four hours.
5. nico decides, bitch, i'm gonna eat anything and everything i'm NOT supposed to, including tape on boxes, plastic bags, pieces of metal, your laptop charger cord.
6. mama goes to bed. tough love kitty, tough love.
7. kitty wakes mama up in middle of the night (3:45 a.m.) by throwing up plastic that she found god only knows where.
8. mama curses and gives a tablespoon of dry food.
now. repeat this FIVE TIMES. i am on the fifth night of this charade. it's now a battle of wills. and let me tell you, i will not get beat by this tubby little furball.
but i can't help but admire her tenacity. takes after her mama. :)
currently reading: gilead by marilynne robinson
currently listening: not an addict by k's choice
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