there are some things i truly miss about home. home in a tiny town in central florida, a ways off the interstate. i would like to present a blogger's ode to the things i love about the south...
1. people who say "fixinda" - i'm fixinda goto the sto, it's fixinda storm
2. hush puppies and navy beans
3. SWEET tea
4. people who say "sundy clothes" - as in "boy don't get yer sundy clothes dirty!"...or "ooo that's special i gotta wear my sundy shoes..."
5. knowing the difference between dinner and supper and using the terms appropriately
6. sweet tea
7. how everyone walks slow...sauntering, meandering
8. hospitality (my hampton inn had home baked cookies at the reception desk!)
9. sweet tea
10. grits, mmmm grits
11. dirt roads
12. longer vowels..."weeeelll i dunnoooooowww", "ooh nnooooooaaa"
13. people who get excited and promptly say "hhooooooo!!" - "hooooooo that was some good bbq"...or when they get really excited "hhhoooooo weeeee! lookadat!"
14. "hog-gawker" (southern for a big effin storm)
things i don't miss:
1. chewing tobacco and spit cups
2. that guy up thar
currently listening: rachel's "systems/layers" album
currently reading: blogs that are smarter than mine
currently feeling: meh
1 comment:
Val, that picture is toooo funny. Like the comments too. I'm fixin ta make supper or is it dinner. Love ya, MOM
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