plus it follows the gilmore girls. damn that strategic tv line-up.
but this week, i was tremendously disappointed to see that veronica helps "bonnie" figure out who gave her the "morning after pill which caused her to have an abortion."
dammit veronica. dammit veronica's writers.
(see this blog for more intelligent griping than what follows below)
i haven't watched the episode yet, i will admit. it is stored safely on my DVR. but i did read about it in the feminist-blogs, which were all a twitter.
correction #1: morning after pill does NOT cause abortion. it won't touch an already established pregnancy with a ten foot pole. or any pole. or whatever.
correction #2: the pill that acts as an abortafacient is ru-486. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
correction #3: ru-486 often has to be administered in a two-dose sequence. if someone slips it in your drink all date-rape-drug-style then it might cause some issues, but it's only half the equation.
now yes, i know it's just tv. and medical information on tv is often askew. of course. but this show has been known for the alternative/progressive image it provides to young girls; its target audience is the main population that needs accurate information about EC (emergency contraception aka the morning after pill aka plan b).
AND whether or not teens (or anyone) should be getting their sex education from television or not is a moot point. after all, with every passing day we are nixing valuable sex ed programs in favor of abstinence only programs (now being funded for people up to age 29, don't EVEN get me started). so if not tv, then where?
dear CW network:
please do a PSA explaining the mishap to your viewers. and while you are at it, toss in a few Plan B adverts. and even better, how about putting some links to accurate sites up on your webpage? come on, step up to the plate.
for accurate information about EC, click here.
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