
things i learned today

the following is courtesy of rickey.org (and my good friend k-sib):

HMG* (*Holy Mother of God)

Daniel Radcliffe stars in the stage production of Equus in the West End. I am so speechless right now. Oh Harry Potter! Where can I find an application to Hogwarts?! It’s a gay nerd fantasy come true… with horses! I can’t breathe!

end rickey.org
start me

So, today i learned the following things:
1. HMG = holy mother of god. expect rampant usage of this in the near future.
2. NSFW = not safe for work. a very useful acronym indeed. given these delicate times.
3. gay nerds fantasize about daniel radcliffe.
4. most people fantasize about daniel radcliffe.
5. there are two kinds of people (shout out to jpr!): 1) those who scream scandal and potter pedophilia! and 2) those who make hubba-hubba eyes and say harry hotter!
6. treasure trail.
7. i cannot watch any of the harry potter movies ever again.
8. there are entirely TOO MANY jokes at one's disposal. i.e."harry's wand", "hairy harry" (thx brian).
9. there's a reason for this madness.

discuss amongst yourselves.

currently listening: "trouble" by voxtrot
currently reading: higher power of lucky. hahahahaha. i have to keep with the trend of the post. natch.

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