women's history month post #2, better late than never. file under: women making a difference
from guttmacher.org:
Cynthia Dailard, one of the Guttmacher Policy Review’s most prolific and accomplished authors, died suddenly on December 24, 2006, at the age of 38. She was the Guttmacher Institute’s chief policy analyst on issues related to domestic family planning programs, sex education and teenagers’ sexual behavior. Over the course of eight years, Cynthia was a powerful, determined advocate, bent on moving a positive sexual and reproductive health agenda forward even in the most difficult political environment. Six of her most influential articles, providing an overview of her thoughts on some of the issues dearest to her, are excerpted in “
Remember Her Words: The Analysis and Advocacy of Cynthia Dailard, 1998–2006.”
A blog in her honor can be found
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