ucovered from my fav gem broadsheet,
three students were suspended from john jay high school in new york for insubordination surrounding their use of the v-word.

that's right. apparently, the students, who read the "short skirt" monologue from the vagina monologues at an open mic night had agreed to not use the word vagina. however, they said it on stage in front of everyone (horror of all horrors!) and were suspended. the superintendent makes a point of noting that it was NOT about censorship (which he would never tolerate) but about insubordination because they need to be taught that when they make an agreement they need to stick to it.
perdon monsieur...but isn't asking them not to say it in the first place censorship? hate to burst your bubble buddy, but vagina happens to be an anatomically correct term. just like penis (shudder!) .
if it were me, i would have dropped an f-bomb in front of vagina, just to drive home the point.
the full article is here.
currently reading: education week
currently listening: shake me baby by junior senior
currently feeling: mischievous
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