
out walking after midnight...

most new yorkers don't own a car. it's pretty much not worth it.


there are two main things that i think EVERY new york city transplant from a locale in which driving everywhere is vogue and parking too far a faux pas (unless you don't want a parking lot ding) misses two main things: trunk and stereo.

we replace these with the following: totes and ipods.

yes, we schlep. and boy do we ever. bags from target, shopping bags, bags of cat litter...you name it, we schlep it.

but what about those times when you need to go for a drive and belt out some tunes? you know "whoa whoa, you got the best of my love whoa whoa" or "sing us a song your the piano man!"...what do we do without those cathartic adventures?

well, if you are the youngish looking frat/business gent walking behind me on my way home tonight, you just do it anyways...on the sidewalk. but you don't just sing to anything, you sing to FIONA APPLE. that's right. here's this guy, walking down avenue m at 12:20 belting out some fiona "criminal"...evidently, my friends, he's been careless with a delicate man.

our golden boy did not possess a singer's voice however. it was more like joe cocker does a fiona cover record. ouch.

maybe he's practicing for american idol. i'd vote for him, simply for his moxie.

currently listening: damien rice "delicate" and cat power "good woman"

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