this man doesn't believe in birth control!
and yet, Bush has appointed him to head up family planning. um, what?
clearly this doesn't make sense. birth control. hello, been around for years now, not going away...
washington post article
please consider signing this petition
currently listening: "casimir pulaski day" by sufjan stevens
currently reading: too much
news flash: birth control makes a difference in teen pregnancy rates
AND it does way more to reduce teen pregnancy than abstinence. can ya believe it?!
it's all over the news, but you can access the article by john santelli here (or at least the abstract)
santelli, in a guttmacher institute report says, "If most of the progress in reducing teen pregnancy rates is due to improved contraceptive use, national policy needs to catch up with those realities."
i couldn't agree more.
AND it does way more to reduce teen pregnancy than abstinence. can ya believe it?!
it's all over the news, but you can access the article by john santelli here (or at least the abstract)
santelli, in a guttmacher institute report says, "If most of the progress in reducing teen pregnancy rates is due to improved contraceptive use, national policy needs to catch up with those realities."
i couldn't agree more.
conservative pundits make me SICK
especially when these old white stodgy males think they have anything to say about/to/for women.
case #1:
rush limbaugh
he actually talks about how he learned more about women from his cat:
LIMBAUGH: My cat -- here's how you can get fooled. My cat comes to me when she wants to be fed. I have learned this. I accept it for what it is. Many people in my position would think my cat's coming to me because she loves me. Well, she likes me, and she is attached, but she comes to me when she wants to be fed. And after I feed her -- guess what -- she's off to wherever she wants to be in the house, until the next time she gets hungry. She's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life. But we put voices in their mouths.
entire article here
video here: (note - the second half of the video deals with devitos rant on the view and what this show should be about for women, it is also disgusting)
horror of all horrors. bill o'reilly makes me so sick. i mean i just want to scream when i even hear him. in this clip, he attacks a feminist pro-choice advocate from nyc. now, whether or not his or her position is "morally correct" his tactics are beyond reprehensible. at one point he actually says to the woman, well, not says, yells rather, that "i don't care what you think!"
and he all turns the story into baby killing and raping ten year olds. AND has the gall to say that this woman advocates both. craziness.
by the way, hate to rain on your parade but there's a new study out that links birth control to decreased teen pregnancy rates. NOT ABSTINENCE. BOO-YAH.
clip is here if you can handle it. i think i actually had smoke pouring out of my head.
case #1:
rush limbaugh
he actually talks about how he learned more about women from his cat:
LIMBAUGH: My cat -- here's how you can get fooled. My cat comes to me when she wants to be fed. I have learned this. I accept it for what it is. Many people in my position would think my cat's coming to me because she loves me. Well, she likes me, and she is attached, but she comes to me when she wants to be fed. And after I feed her -- guess what -- she's off to wherever she wants to be in the house, until the next time she gets hungry. She's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life. But we put voices in their mouths.
entire article here
video here: (note - the second half of the video deals with devitos rant on the view and what this show should be about for women, it is also disgusting)
horror of all horrors. bill o'reilly makes me so sick. i mean i just want to scream when i even hear him. in this clip, he attacks a feminist pro-choice advocate from nyc. now, whether or not his or her position is "morally correct" his tactics are beyond reprehensible. at one point he actually says to the woman, well, not says, yells rather, that "i don't care what you think!"
and he all turns the story into baby killing and raping ten year olds. AND has the gall to say that this woman advocates both. craziness.
by the way, hate to rain on your parade but there's a new study out that links birth control to decreased teen pregnancy rates. NOT ABSTINENCE. BOO-YAH.
clip is here if you can handle it. i think i actually had smoke pouring out of my head.
i had no idea...
but "turducken" is for real.
this word, which has only recently entered my vernacular, but which has apparently been around for ages (how could i be so behind the times?) is a portmanteau for a turkey stuffed with a duck which is stuffed with a chicken. all deboned, of course.
so, after hearing this word in a variety of places (first introduced to me by anne during our conversation about puppykittens) i decided i must know once and for all what the deal is with turducken. so i wiki-ed it.
the results: wikiturducken.
what fascinates me the most is not that this is actually done, but the many variations that can be performed. most impressive: turgoduckmaguikenantidgeonck. let's break it down: turkey, goose, duck, mallard, guineafowl, chicken, pheasant, partridge, pigeon, woodcock.
now, can you imagine going to a restaurant and asking for the chef's finest turducken? didn't think so. that's why those fancy brits decided to call it a three-bird roast. just in case you ever wanted to make such a request.

(please note creepy puppet figure to right of the woman. wtf?)
i must say. at first i was disappointed. maybe it was only because of the recent puppykitten fiasco. but i was thinking someone had genetically engineered the turducken. alas, no.

currently listening: aimee mann "save me"
currently reading: undoing gender by judith butler
currently hating on rush and bill, see future post
this word, which has only recently entered my vernacular, but which has apparently been around for ages (how could i be so behind the times?) is a portmanteau for a turkey stuffed with a duck which is stuffed with a chicken. all deboned, of course.
so, after hearing this word in a variety of places (first introduced to me by anne during our conversation about puppykittens) i decided i must know once and for all what the deal is with turducken. so i wiki-ed it.
the results: wikiturducken.
what fascinates me the most is not that this is actually done, but the many variations that can be performed. most impressive: turgoduckmaguikenantidgeonck. let's break it down: turkey, goose, duck, mallard, guineafowl, chicken, pheasant, partridge, pigeon, woodcock.
now, can you imagine going to a restaurant and asking for the chef's finest turducken? didn't think so. that's why those fancy brits decided to call it a three-bird roast. just in case you ever wanted to make such a request.
(please note creepy puppet figure to right of the woman. wtf?)
i must say. at first i was disappointed. maybe it was only because of the recent puppykitten fiasco. but i was thinking someone had genetically engineered the turducken. alas, no.
currently listening: aimee mann "save me"
currently reading: undoing gender by judith butler
currently hating on rush and bill, see future post
my google query for "hot european reference librarian straight male" turned up nothing. nada. zilch. zipperino.
back to the drawing board.
back to the drawing board.
give elmo a break, pleeease!
maybe it is because i've never actually seen one of these things in action before.
but i can't stop laughing.
but i can't stop laughing.
o-oh hush, keep it down now, voices carry...
when words won't do, music often can...
ps. yes, she's the former singer for that 80s gem 'til tuesday'
pps. yes, she dated noel gallagher, for a moment
ps. yes, she's the former singer for that 80s gem 'til tuesday'
pps. yes, she dated noel gallagher, for a moment
i ♥ tunes
two of my all-time favorite indie radio stations offer FREE daily mp3s.

podcasts with free songs
today's top tune
currently listening: "wildcat" by ratatat
currently feeling: pensive (with tilted head)
two of my all-time favorite indie radio stations offer FREE daily mp3s.
podcasts with free songs
today's top tune
currently listening: "wildcat" by ratatat
currently feeling: pensive (with tilted head)
heard on the...
street near my apartment, outside a bodega:
"nah nah man, he called me about the colt .45"
street in the east village:
a happily flamboyant young man walking a greyish mottled dog says to his cell phone
"oh gosh, i can't come out, i've got Fladka with me"
1 train, heading downtown from 79th street:
two girls discussing very very expensive purses change the subject
"yeah, but, i mean, like he's the only nerd that i can actually stand to be around. i mean, he's like sincere you know?"
"yeah, totally"
for more visit overheard in new york
and overheard in the office

currently listening: "in the morning" by the junior boys
currently reading: "the veil unveiled"
"nah nah man, he called me about the colt .45"
street in the east village:
a happily flamboyant young man walking a greyish mottled dog says to his cell phone
"oh gosh, i can't come out, i've got Fladka with me"
1 train, heading downtown from 79th street:
two girls discussing very very expensive purses change the subject
"yeah, but, i mean, like he's the only nerd that i can actually stand to be around. i mean, he's like sincere you know?"
"yeah, totally"
for more visit overheard in new york
and overheard in the office
currently listening: "in the morning" by the junior boys
currently reading: "the veil unveiled"
things that make me happy
i keep stumbling across things that people who are way cooler than me are doing/making. so i'm going to post about them. also, i've got my own personal challenge going on. i have got to make it through this entire post without saying "folks" since i noticed i have done so in the last three posts. not cool, val. not cool.
things that make me happy:
1) regina spektor: awesome lyrics, quirky musical arrangements, kick-ass video with a headless man...(ps kudos to tim for this one)
2) ben folds covering "bitches ain't shit": first of all, i love ben folds. love. and yes he's all married now with frally and living in crocodile country in that other hemisphere, but he's still doing righteous stuff, like covering dr. dre staples. although the lyrics clash a bit with my feminist/women's studies upbringing, i can't help but love this song. here he is playing it live...
ben (yeah, first name, i know, **swooning**) also covered postal service's "such great heights" and it basically rocks the kasbah. (kudos to brian for this one)...
AND, on his new EP he has a video of "landed" with a monkey.
monkeys. monkeys make everything better.
mtv's "made": now that i have cable i can waste time watching marathons. two weekends ago it was project runway marathon. and today it was "made" on mtv. the basic premise is that youthful types feel like shit with how they currently are (ahh, teen angst) and want to be "made" into something (cheerleader, prom prince, girlie girl, soccer player, breakdancer, etc. etc.) yeah ok, i mean i don't know what i like about this show. maybe it's because the people really work hard for something they really want and make some major changes, even if they are for the most part very superficial things. but according to a made coach "success is in the journey" and by gollie these people are doing something, and also making me crack up while they go about it.
4) new jersey's ruling on same sex unions (can't say the m word yet). sure it's got some caveats. but it's a step in the left direction...

article with lots of info...click here
5) crispy noodles.
6) my new vaccum. dude. i've never experienced suction like this in my life. and i mean that in the cleanest way possible. haha. cleanest. literally. rofl.

this is my new electrolux harmony. hi harmony. you rock.
7) there are some battles you just cannot win. starbucks is one of those battles. on my floor at school it is so NOT COOL to like starbucks. we all bash it but then, like the liberal hypocrites rush and bill refer to us as, we trot across the block and come back with our venti skim latte double shot hold the whip with room. no. i haven't actually ordered that. i stick with my grande coffee and french toast bagel with extra butter. i from the south. gimme a little bagel with my butter. for real.
(ps. starbucks has chocolate powder on their little counter with the half and half and stuff. i pour that in and man, it's total awesomeness).

8) soup weather. i LOVE soup weather. big cups of hot soup that feels like it sticks to your insides. best part of winter is the soup. by far.
9) imac. i love you. i love you and your big screen and remote control goodness. mmmm. i'm so glad to have you as part of my life now. you are sooo sooo hot. h-o-t-t.

k, that's all for now. maybe some of these things will make you happy too.
currently listening: "my love" by justin timberlake. hahahahaha. love it.
currently reading: not enough
things that make me happy:
1) regina spektor: awesome lyrics, quirky musical arrangements, kick-ass video with a headless man...(ps kudos to tim for this one)
2) ben folds covering "bitches ain't shit": first of all, i love ben folds. love. and yes he's all married now with frally and living in crocodile country in that other hemisphere, but he's still doing righteous stuff, like covering dr. dre staples. although the lyrics clash a bit with my feminist/women's studies upbringing, i can't help but love this song. here he is playing it live...
ben (yeah, first name, i know, **swooning**) also covered postal service's "such great heights" and it basically rocks the kasbah. (kudos to brian for this one)...
AND, on his new EP he has a video of "landed" with a monkey.
monkeys. monkeys make everything better.
4) new jersey's ruling on same sex unions (can't say the m word yet). sure it's got some caveats. but it's a step in the left direction...
article with lots of info...click here
5) crispy noodles.
6) my new vaccum. dude. i've never experienced suction like this in my life. and i mean that in the cleanest way possible. haha. cleanest. literally. rofl.
this is my new electrolux harmony. hi harmony. you rock.
7) there are some battles you just cannot win. starbucks is one of those battles. on my floor at school it is so NOT COOL to like starbucks. we all bash it but then, like the liberal hypocrites rush and bill refer to us as, we trot across the block and come back with our venti skim latte double shot hold the whip with room. no. i haven't actually ordered that. i stick with my grande coffee and french toast bagel with extra butter. i from the south. gimme a little bagel with my butter. for real.
(ps. starbucks has chocolate powder on their little counter with the half and half and stuff. i pour that in and man, it's total awesomeness).
8) soup weather. i LOVE soup weather. big cups of hot soup that feels like it sticks to your insides. best part of winter is the soup. by far.
9) imac. i love you. i love you and your big screen and remote control goodness. mmmm. i'm so glad to have you as part of my life now. you are sooo sooo hot. h-o-t-t.
k, that's all for now. maybe some of these things will make you happy too.
currently listening: "my love" by justin timberlake. hahahahaha. love it.
currently reading: not enough
holy crapballs batman!
oh my goodness!
well i am now in love with six feet under. sooo so much. and then today, i'm at work and i hear nina simone's "feeling good" on radio-love-of-my-life kexp.org. wow, i loved it. so i hopped on over to youtube to see if there was a video. lo and behold, there's a six feet under video of that song!
the stars are aligning folks. and it is quite fantastic. check it:
well i am now in love with six feet under. sooo so much. and then today, i'm at work and i hear nina simone's "feeling good" on radio-love-of-my-life kexp.org. wow, i loved it. so i hopped on over to youtube to see if there was a video. lo and behold, there's a six feet under video of that song!
the stars are aligning folks. and it is quite fantastic. check it:
back it up...
lesson learned folks. back up your shit.
most computers are advanced enough to have scheduled backup routines. however, as i have recently learned, most users are NOT advanced enough to use such innovative methods. instead, we wait until something breaks and then cry and cry and cry and seek refuge in charms blow pops and bailey's irish cream.
currently listening: ben folds cover of "such great heights"
currently reading: computer manual
by the following:
1) "truck nutz" - use your imagination folks. the latest rage in central florida (also known fondly as "the south") are hard plastic -- or chrome, if you are willing pay extra -- testicles that hang on the back of yer pickup truck. every now and then though you get a subversive redneck who wants his balls to be bigger than everyone else's and uses chain and bowling balls to create his own truck nutz. i'll drink to that!

*sigh* check it out here: http://www.trucknutz.com/
2) tim mcgraw has a song with nelly. as in nelly the rapper. talk about crossover effort. frankly i think it is disturbing.
tim and nelly "over and over"
3) the woman in front of me in the cab line at jfk airport. the cabbie didn't know where some county was, evidently it is right outside of nassau. i don't know. she goes "tsk, it's in AMERICA" ...thank you captain obvious.
currently listening: take me back to your house by basement jaxx
currently reading: bodies of law by alan hyde
1) "truck nutz" - use your imagination folks. the latest rage in central florida (also known fondly as "the south") are hard plastic -- or chrome, if you are willing pay extra -- testicles that hang on the back of yer pickup truck. every now and then though you get a subversive redneck who wants his balls to be bigger than everyone else's and uses chain and bowling balls to create his own truck nutz. i'll drink to that!
*sigh* check it out here: http://www.trucknutz.com/
2) tim mcgraw has a song with nelly. as in nelly the rapper. talk about crossover effort. frankly i think it is disturbing.
tim and nelly "over and over"
3) the woman in front of me in the cab line at jfk airport. the cabbie didn't know where some county was, evidently it is right outside of nassau. i don't know. she goes "tsk, it's in AMERICA" ...thank you captain obvious.
currently listening: take me back to your house by basement jaxx
currently reading: bodies of law by alan hyde
raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
these are a few of my favorite things...
i just love this song! and the video cracks me up. sure looks like a bugs life.
also, i just got cable on friday. i do not think i've watched any channel except for bravo. not only are they starting six feet under from the beginning, but they are also doing a project runway marathon...
in terms of who can capture val's heart, someone needs to let jon stewart know he's got some competition. i've found my very own mcdreamy and he goes by the name of peter krause. mmm, he plays the vulnerable and "gifted" nate on six feet under.

i have never, EVER seen a man rock the scruff like this one.
my other addiction, which makes me think things like "i want to bitch-slap jeffrey" and "i wish vincent would shut his pansy ass egotistical pie hole"

project runway, you're in.
and now back to work. graduate school is sure screwing up my blogging. my priorities are SO out of whack.
currently listening: "creep" by TLC, throwback...woot!
currently reading: "diagnosis:difference" by abby wilkerson, highly recommended if you have any interest in the intersection of healthcare and social justice
peace out
i just love this song! and the video cracks me up. sure looks like a bugs life.
also, i just got cable on friday. i do not think i've watched any channel except for bravo. not only are they starting six feet under from the beginning, but they are also doing a project runway marathon...
in terms of who can capture val's heart, someone needs to let jon stewart know he's got some competition. i've found my very own mcdreamy and he goes by the name of peter krause. mmm, he plays the vulnerable and "gifted" nate on six feet under.
i have never, EVER seen a man rock the scruff like this one.
my other addiction, which makes me think things like "i want to bitch-slap jeffrey" and "i wish vincent would shut his pansy ass egotistical pie hole"
project runway, you're in.
and now back to work. graduate school is sure screwing up my blogging. my priorities are SO out of whack.
currently listening: "creep" by TLC, throwback...woot!
currently reading: "diagnosis:difference" by abby wilkerson, highly recommended if you have any interest in the intersection of healthcare and social justice
peace out
balanced schmalanced!
when your dinner comes from a vending machine you already know enough to have exceedingly low expectations for any sort of health or satisfaction that might ensue. so, after spending 11 hours at school i decided that my snickers bar was simply not enough to 'satisfy' (harhar).
so down i go to the vending machine. i get out my crispiest dollar bill. i stand in front of the vending machine, mulling over my choices. mmm cheetos. so as i go to put in my dollar bill i notice this:

[insert tim allen eergggh?]
evidently things choosy moms and choosy grandfathers choose are marked with a little leaf next to their selection number.
hmm..healthy balanced choices, from a vending machine. with the hope and trepidation of a kid in a candy store with a bad report card just waiting to be viewed i scanned back up to D04, my cheetos. oh no. no green leaf. my cheetos are not a balanced choice. you know, this is not what i need dammit! now, on top of eating dinner out of a vending machine i feel irresponsible for not picking the veggie crisps in D05!
well, to balanced choices i say: freck you! (and thanks to a particularly scintillating episode of veronica mars (double har) i know that that is a battlestar galactica euphemism for well, you know).
you know, seriously balanced choices. get with the program. i'm a victim of my culture and if you really want to sway me to push D05 instead of D04 then you have to make some changes. first of all, i need to feel like i have a friend in balanced choices. i need to feel like hey, balanced choices are "cool." i need a marketing incentive. i need...chester cheetah! not this frecking leaf.
tsk. so until i see some real marketing effort i'm going to stick with my cheetos. even if i get a tummy ache and my fingers are orange for a ridiculously long time.
chester:1 stupid leaf:0

currently listening: "your ex-lover is dead" by stars
currently reading: when sex goes to school
so down i go to the vending machine. i get out my crispiest dollar bill. i stand in front of the vending machine, mulling over my choices. mmm cheetos. so as i go to put in my dollar bill i notice this:
[insert tim allen eergggh?]
evidently things choosy moms and choosy grandfathers choose are marked with a little leaf next to their selection number.
hmm..healthy balanced choices, from a vending machine. with the hope and trepidation of a kid in a candy store with a bad report card just waiting to be viewed i scanned back up to D04, my cheetos. oh no. no green leaf. my cheetos are not a balanced choice. you know, this is not what i need dammit! now, on top of eating dinner out of a vending machine i feel irresponsible for not picking the veggie crisps in D05!
well, to balanced choices i say: freck you! (and thanks to a particularly scintillating episode of veronica mars (double har) i know that that is a battlestar galactica euphemism for well, you know).
you know, seriously balanced choices. get with the program. i'm a victim of my culture and if you really want to sway me to push D05 instead of D04 then you have to make some changes. first of all, i need to feel like i have a friend in balanced choices. i need to feel like hey, balanced choices are "cool." i need a marketing incentive. i need...chester cheetah! not this frecking leaf.
tsk. so until i see some real marketing effort i'm going to stick with my cheetos. even if i get a tummy ache and my fingers are orange for a ridiculously long time.
chester:1 stupid leaf:0
currently listening: "your ex-lover is dead" by stars
currently reading: when sex goes to school
more secrets
so i'm still in love with this site.
it updates every sunday. bookmark it. read it. know you aren't alone. understand those around you.
it updates every sunday. bookmark it. read it. know you aren't alone. understand those around you.

check out...
this band.
asobi seksu.
a free song via salon.com
their website
from myspace you can download three songs, of which my favorite is "thursday"
asobi seksu.
a free song via salon.com
their website
from myspace you can download three songs, of which my favorite is "thursday"
apparently i'm a lame ass who cannot maintain a blog and finish a thesis at the same time.
so i thought hmm, val, take off some of that pressure. sometimes things speak for themselves. so, that's most likely what you'll be seeing here in the near future. things that speak for themselves.
exhibit a: heard on the street...
1) "all god's children got to get it on. need to feel the love!" - crazy man on the sidewalk on 15th street yelling loudly
2) "nah nah man, he called me about the colt .45" - guy that owns/loiters the bodega on avenue m. woot for crime in midwood.
exhibit b: just the facts ma'am...

currently listening: "adventurer" by be your own pet
currently reading: socioeconomic context of new york city schools
i feel a woot comin' on.
so i thought hmm, val, take off some of that pressure. sometimes things speak for themselves. so, that's most likely what you'll be seeing here in the near future. things that speak for themselves.
exhibit a: heard on the street...
1) "all god's children got to get it on. need to feel the love!" - crazy man on the sidewalk on 15th street yelling loudly
2) "nah nah man, he called me about the colt .45" - guy that owns/loiters the bodega on avenue m. woot for crime in midwood.
exhibit b: just the facts ma'am...
currently listening: "adventurer" by be your own pet
currently reading: socioeconomic context of new york city schools
i feel a woot comin' on.
I have a secret...
we all harbor things. carry things with us. secrets. apologies. often the two are intertwined, woven together with threads of regret. fondly, or not so fondly, remembered with bittersweet pangs of loves/opportunities lost.
secrets and apologies seem to have come up a few times over the past few days. and as i've been hankering for something to blog about, it seemed like a sign.
plastered throughout the union square station were advertisements for "secret" antiperspirant, declaring that all young liberated women share their secret. as though avoiding foul body odor could have an empowering element as well. kitschy, thanks secret. anyways, while stumbling sleepily off the subway most mornings i would see declarations of "i'm ten years younger than i say i am" or "i go through your things when i house-sit." are all secrets bad? i wonder. what is REALLY fascinating is that you can text your messages to "secret" and they scroll across a larger-than-life sign in times square. it doesn't get any more public than that.
then, i was reminded of a particularly poignant piece on "this american life" on national public radio. it's part of the apology project. see www.apologyproject.com . it provided a hotline, aptly named the apology hotline, in which people from around the world could phone in their apologies anonymously. "i'm sorry i broke your heart" "i'm sorry that i never loved you the way you loved me" "i'm sorry i shoplifted" "i really hate your mother" etc. etc. catharsis via anonymous phone calls. brilliant really.
and then this evening. posted on a listserve was the touching http://postsecret.blogspot.com , here people provided their own secrets on postcards. it corresponds to a book available at your not-so-secret barnes and noble or amazon.com.

why do we keep secrets? perhaps we gain something in power by knowing something someone else doesn't know. maybe we are ashamed. maybe we just find it fun or thrilling. maybe we want to save another from hurt. there are probably as many reasons as there are secrets. there is inherently a purpose in either retaining information or expressing it in the form of an apology. it adds to our sense of self and understanding, and also in how others see us. i think the beauty is in knowing when to share...personally...anonymously...intimately...rarely.

currently listening: "swan dive" by ani difranco
currently reading: "the legal vagina" by alan hyde
secrets and apologies seem to have come up a few times over the past few days. and as i've been hankering for something to blog about, it seemed like a sign.
plastered throughout the union square station were advertisements for "secret" antiperspirant, declaring that all young liberated women share their secret. as though avoiding foul body odor could have an empowering element as well. kitschy, thanks secret. anyways, while stumbling sleepily off the subway most mornings i would see declarations of "i'm ten years younger than i say i am" or "i go through your things when i house-sit." are all secrets bad? i wonder. what is REALLY fascinating is that you can text your messages to "secret" and they scroll across a larger-than-life sign in times square. it doesn't get any more public than that.
then, i was reminded of a particularly poignant piece on "this american life" on national public radio. it's part of the apology project. see www.apologyproject.com . it provided a hotline, aptly named the apology hotline, in which people from around the world could phone in their apologies anonymously. "i'm sorry i broke your heart" "i'm sorry that i never loved you the way you loved me" "i'm sorry i shoplifted" "i really hate your mother" etc. etc. catharsis via anonymous phone calls. brilliant really.
and then this evening. posted on a listserve was the touching http://postsecret.blogspot.com , here people provided their own secrets on postcards. it corresponds to a book available at your not-so-secret barnes and noble or amazon.com.

why do we keep secrets? perhaps we gain something in power by knowing something someone else doesn't know. maybe we are ashamed. maybe we just find it fun or thrilling. maybe we want to save another from hurt. there are probably as many reasons as there are secrets. there is inherently a purpose in either retaining information or expressing it in the form of an apology. it adds to our sense of self and understanding, and also in how others see us. i think the beauty is in knowing when to share...personally...anonymously...intimately...rarely.

currently listening: "swan dive" by ani difranco
currently reading: "the legal vagina" by alan hyde
the origins of woot

i found myself wondering where the hell that term even came from. internet slang is "linguistically bleeding" (b. wells, 2006, personal conversation) into our everyday vernacular. ever found yourself thinking LOL when someone says something funny? or roffle (for ROFL)?
i turned to my trusty everything-slang resource www.urbandictionary.com and here's what i learned...
currently reading: brownsville brooklyn by wendell pritchett
currently listening: maria taylor "leap year"
currently feeling: full
download(s) of the week
if you can spare the $1.98 on itunes, i must recommend the following:

"leap year" by maria taylor, album: 11:11

"reason why" by rachel yamagata, album: happenstance
(actually, the whole album is great)
cheers :)
"leap year" by maria taylor, album: 11:11
"reason why" by rachel yamagata, album: happenstance
(actually, the whole album is great)
cheers :)
Rant: Shoes to DIE for...
this post could also be called:
reason #651 i will never buy jimmy choo shoes. the previous 650 reasons being single dollar bills. absurd.
anyways. i was flipping through my latest elle magazine. yes, free subscription and sometimes there's coupons for free smoothies from dunkin donuts or undies from victorias secret. or vice versa. hush it.
so flipping through elle, just finished the gawd AWFUL lindsay lohan interview, i tried to give her a chance, really i did. but the girl is delusional! she's crazy! i can't take it. but back, again, to the flipping of the glossy elle pages when i come across this:
what we have here is model molly sims and film score composer quincy jones in a bit of a pickle. evidently, molly and quincy had a night on the town, she enjoying her frollicking in lovely $700 strappy jimmy choos, him playing super cool in evil-man black....after carousing (in new york?) they drive all the way to the dessert where quincy has to bury his lovely lady in white (you can't quite tell from this scan, but her eyes are closed and trust me, she ain't playin' opossum). hmm...did she die before the drive? did she at least get to appreciate the scenery? hold the phone...did she even get to break in those beautiful shoes?!?!
what the hell people? i mean i'm all for provacative advertisements. vogue has some very fascinating ones with photography that is often quite artistic and edgy. of course there's the whole art/advertising mess but i don't want to get into that. what pisses me off here is that this is an ad in elle magazine, a magazine mostly read by teens and twentysomethings depicting a woman preparing to be buried in the middle of a dessert...and it's all for selling shoes. SHOES!
i did a little research. evidently this is a three part ad campaign. in the other photos molly and quincy are walking away from a burning car with jimmy choo bags (i guess they drove from new york to nevada after pulling off a heist). in the other photo molly is changing a flat tire in the middle of the desert while quincy watches, he's got to save his energy for her burial after all.
this ad has pretty much left me speechless. what is it really trying to say? why can't elle magazine and jimmy choo be more responsible in their ads marketed to young girls/women? is "high fashion" above any laws of decency? is it something every woman wants to "die" for? well, if mr. choo had his way...
and ps. mr. quincy...i wikipediaed you and you are an activist for some good causes! what the heck man!?!?
currently listening: rachel yamagata, "happenstance" album
currently reading: virginia woolf, "moments of being"
reason #651 i will never buy jimmy choo shoes. the previous 650 reasons being single dollar bills. absurd.
anyways. i was flipping through my latest elle magazine. yes, free subscription and sometimes there's coupons for free smoothies from dunkin donuts or undies from victorias secret. or vice versa. hush it.
so flipping through elle, just finished the gawd AWFUL lindsay lohan interview, i tried to give her a chance, really i did. but the girl is delusional! she's crazy! i can't take it. but back, again, to the flipping of the glossy elle pages when i come across this:

what the hell people? i mean i'm all for provacative advertisements. vogue has some very fascinating ones with photography that is often quite artistic and edgy. of course there's the whole art/advertising mess but i don't want to get into that. what pisses me off here is that this is an ad in elle magazine, a magazine mostly read by teens and twentysomethings depicting a woman preparing to be buried in the middle of a dessert...and it's all for selling shoes. SHOES!
i did a little research. evidently this is a three part ad campaign. in the other photos molly and quincy are walking away from a burning car with jimmy choo bags (i guess they drove from new york to nevada after pulling off a heist). in the other photo molly is changing a flat tire in the middle of the desert while quincy watches, he's got to save his energy for her burial after all.
this ad has pretty much left me speechless. what is it really trying to say? why can't elle magazine and jimmy choo be more responsible in their ads marketed to young girls/women? is "high fashion" above any laws of decency? is it something every woman wants to "die" for? well, if mr. choo had his way...
and ps. mr. quincy...i wikipediaed you and you are an activist for some good causes! what the heck man!?!?
currently listening: rachel yamagata, "happenstance" album
currently reading: virginia woolf, "moments of being"
put your pussy where your mouse is!

MEOW! made you look! hahahahaha.
did you know such a thing as catster.com exists? read on for more info...
i'm just ticked pink over the newest edition to our family!
meet giuseppe! he's the cutest, smartest, bounciest new kid on the block and i just love him oodles and oodles!
to show my love for both of my feline babies i did what any overbearing kitty mommy does...i put them on catster.com! now they are friends with many other kitties, including my friends jess and amy's cats in hoboken! woot woot for digger and bambino!
so here's the links:
nico: http://www.catster.com/?376533
giuseppe: http://www.catster.com/?377018
photos of the kitten (keep checking for updates!): http://homepage.mac.com/nicospaw/PhotoAlbum11.html
now go on with your bad self!
invasion of the space snatchers
everyone knows, or should know, that when you live/visit new york city you have to be prepared to give up most of your personal space. it's simple math that when you pack however many millions of people onto a tiny island you will no doubt lose the coveted elbow room we all learned how to respect in kindergarten.
however. each new yorker walks around with their own personal bubble that is not to be invaded, no matter what. it is only a few inches of extra space, but it is very near and dear to our hearts.
in a matter of a single hour, my space was invaded three times. the consequences were nearly violent.
1. this ASS on the train was sitting across three seats, but they were the seats in the corner, sort of in an "L" position. so it's like 6:00 and the trains are crowded. i squeeze into one of the seats next to him and this other guy comes up and is like "can i sit there" in the one next to him where the rest of his shit was. the guy grunts and barely moves. so me and the other gentleman had to sit with our legs contorted and our stuff on our laps because that f-wit wouldn't sit like a normal person. that's complaint #1.
2. THEN. dirty old man with his dirty old dog are walking on the sidewalk. i take that back, the dog wasn't that dirty or old, he was kind of cute. but the man, dog, and leash take up the entire sidewalk. they come up to me and rather than giving poochie a little tug he lets the leash almost trip me as the dog stops in front of me and simply looks up. ok. thanks.
3. then, less than a block later, i'm thinking "hmm, i should blog about personal space...but i've only had two events happen and really, things are better in threes...oh well." well, dare i even think it...dirty old man #2 sitting on his rolly walker thing lights up a cigarette and flicks the empty matchbook into my face. INTO MY FACE! ladies and gentlemen, that was IT. i stopped. turned. and gave him my most disgusted looking scoff i could muster.
the nerve! the nerve!
however. each new yorker walks around with their own personal bubble that is not to be invaded, no matter what. it is only a few inches of extra space, but it is very near and dear to our hearts.
in a matter of a single hour, my space was invaded three times. the consequences were nearly violent.
1. this ASS on the train was sitting across three seats, but they were the seats in the corner, sort of in an "L" position. so it's like 6:00 and the trains are crowded. i squeeze into one of the seats next to him and this other guy comes up and is like "can i sit there" in the one next to him where the rest of his shit was. the guy grunts and barely moves. so me and the other gentleman had to sit with our legs contorted and our stuff on our laps because that f-wit wouldn't sit like a normal person. that's complaint #1.
2. THEN. dirty old man with his dirty old dog are walking on the sidewalk. i take that back, the dog wasn't that dirty or old, he was kind of cute. but the man, dog, and leash take up the entire sidewalk. they come up to me and rather than giving poochie a little tug he lets the leash almost trip me as the dog stops in front of me and simply looks up. ok. thanks.
3. then, less than a block later, i'm thinking "hmm, i should blog about personal space...but i've only had two events happen and really, things are better in threes...oh well." well, dare i even think it...dirty old man #2 sitting on his rolly walker thing lights up a cigarette and flicks the empty matchbook into my face. INTO MY FACE! ladies and gentlemen, that was IT. i stopped. turned. and gave him my most disgusted looking scoff i could muster.
the nerve! the nerve!
Girls' Night Out
so i'm sitting in a booth with three girlfriends, munching on french fries and mozarella sticks and enjoying some refreshing margaritas. anyone who has watched even one episode of sex and the city knows that four women and cocktails means the conversation usually goes from bad to worse. at one point, i referred to a sex and the city quiz, brought to you but that wonderfully addictive "quizilla" thingie on myspace (but, in reality, those quizzes totally blow). after taking the "which sex and the city character are you?" quiz i was informed that i was....drumroll...charlotte. see, here's the proof:

Congratulations! You are Charlotte.
so anyways. lorelei says noooo i think you're more of a miranda. immediately the first thought in my mind was tsk! i'm not miranda. now, the feminist/gender studies scholar in me bristled and wondered why i had such a visceral reaction to miranda.
essentially, miranda is the smart, if mostly cynical, career-oriented and strong-willed woman. who wouldn't want to be a miranda? after six seasons we see miranda ultimately grow, in my opinion, more than any other character. she realizes to stop keeping people at a distance and allow others into her life, she gets over her "no one is good enough" attitude to find a truly wonderful and supportive man, and she turns into the loving mother that we all new was hiding deep down inside. i couldn't help but wonder (pun intended)...who wouldn't want to be a miranda? somewhere in me i shuddered at the notion of being the cynical hard-nosed and powerful woman. do we fear the "bitch" label? but in the end, miranda's edges smooth out. did the writers do justice to her character? did she become a more well-rounded person or are we just supposed to take it to mean that really, in order to grow and mature and be happy, we need a man, a cute baby, and a brownstone in park slope? did miranda sell us out? did she basically disprove the the necessity of the lifestyle she had so adamantly fought for for five seasons?
i don't think so.
i think miranda found happiness on HER terms when SHE was ready. and i admire her for it. of course i'm talking about a fictional character here, but really, we fall in love with books the same way, so hush it. so i'm going to embrace my inner miranda. hell, i'll even embrace my inner carrie, charlotte and (gasp galore) samantha. in truth, i think we love those women because they all represent the conflicting parts of our own selves. just with more money and better fashion sense.
***so in celebration of miranda, i'm going to put some of her classic lines***
Miranda: Smart, yes, sometimes cute, but never sexy. Sexy is the thing I try to get them to see me as after I win them over with my personality.
Carrie: You win men over with your personality?
Miranda: I'm sorry, if a man is over thirty and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out or propogating the species.
Carrie: Okay, well, what about us?
Miranda: We're just choosy.
Charlotte: I just know no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just want to give up!
Miranda: Well, I just want to tie her down and force-feed her lard, but that's the difference between you and me.
Congratulations! You are Charlotte.

there are some things i truly miss about home. home in a tiny town in central florida, a ways off the interstate. i would like to present a blogger's ode to the things i love about the south...
1. people who say "fixinda" - i'm fixinda goto the sto, it's fixinda storm
2. hush puppies and navy beans
3. SWEET tea
4. people who say "sundy clothes" - as in "boy don't get yer sundy clothes dirty!"...or "ooo that's special i gotta wear my sundy shoes..."
5. knowing the difference between dinner and supper and using the terms appropriately
6. sweet tea
7. how everyone walks slow...sauntering, meandering
8. hospitality (my hampton inn had home baked cookies at the reception desk!)
9. sweet tea
10. grits, mmmm grits
11. dirt roads
12. longer vowels..."weeeelll i dunnoooooowww", "ooh nnooooooaaa"
13. people who get excited and promptly say "hhooooooo!!" - "hooooooo that was some good bbq"...or when they get really excited "hhhoooooo weeeee! lookadat!"
14. "hog-gawker" (southern for a big effin storm)
things i don't miss:
1. chewing tobacco and spit cups
2. that guy up thar
currently listening: rachel's "systems/layers" album
currently reading: blogs that are smarter than mine
currently feeling: meh
out walking after midnight...
most new yorkers don't own a car. it's pretty much not worth it.
there are two main things that i think EVERY new york city transplant from a locale in which driving everywhere is vogue and parking too far a faux pas (unless you don't want a parking lot ding) misses two main things: trunk and stereo.
we replace these with the following: totes and ipods.
yes, we schlep. and boy do we ever. bags from target, shopping bags, bags of cat litter...you name it, we schlep it.
but what about those times when you need to go for a drive and belt out some tunes? you know "whoa whoa, you got the best of my love whoa whoa" or "sing us a song your the piano man!"...what do we do without those cathartic adventures?
well, if you are the youngish looking frat/business gent walking behind me on my way home tonight, you just do it anyways...on the sidewalk. but you don't just sing to anything, you sing to FIONA APPLE. that's right. here's this guy, walking down avenue m at 12:20 belting out some fiona "criminal"...evidently, my friends, he's been careless with a delicate man.
our golden boy did not possess a singer's voice however. it was more like joe cocker does a fiona cover record. ouch.
maybe he's practicing for american idol. i'd vote for him, simply for his moxie.
currently listening: damien rice "delicate" and cat power "good woman"
there are two main things that i think EVERY new york city transplant from a locale in which driving everywhere is vogue and parking too far a faux pas (unless you don't want a parking lot ding) misses two main things: trunk and stereo.
we replace these with the following: totes and ipods.
yes, we schlep. and boy do we ever. bags from target, shopping bags, bags of cat litter...you name it, we schlep it.
but what about those times when you need to go for a drive and belt out some tunes? you know "whoa whoa, you got the best of my love whoa whoa" or "sing us a song your the piano man!"...what do we do without those cathartic adventures?
well, if you are the youngish looking frat/business gent walking behind me on my way home tonight, you just do it anyways...on the sidewalk. but you don't just sing to anything, you sing to FIONA APPLE. that's right. here's this guy, walking down avenue m at 12:20 belting out some fiona "criminal"...evidently, my friends, he's been careless with a delicate man.
our golden boy did not possess a singer's voice however. it was more like joe cocker does a fiona cover record. ouch.
maybe he's practicing for american idol. i'd vote for him, simply for his moxie.
currently listening: damien rice "delicate" and cat power "good woman"
FDA vs. Common Sense: Postscript

Finally! Today the FDA approved over the counter sales of emergency contraception, more commonly known as Plan B. As some of you know, this has been an issue I have worked on at work as well as through research. So this is big news. Previously, the FDA was not approving the drug at the request of the administration (Bushie's administration, of course). God forbid Bush upset his constituents. And yes, that was supposed to be offensive/crass.
Essentially, the story is this:
FDA Scientists: "Yippee, check out this amazing new pharmaceutical development that THE REST OF THE DEVELOPED WORLD is using. Look how well it works!"
Admin Croanies (AC): "Abortion pill!! Death, hell, purgatory, and suffering!"
FDA Scientists: "Um not really. It's safer than aspirin. For real ya'll."
AC: "Bush says no. Politics? Science? Science schmience. We believe in intelligent design."
FDA Higher Ups: "Our hands are tied. Let's ask for public comment."
Hillary: "Ya'll crazy, either vote this thing through on sound science or face a wrath of queen bitchiness ain't none ya'll seen since Bill got his jollies from beret-girl."
FDA Higher Ups: "She's bluffing"
Hil: "Don't make me go Bobbitt on your ass"
FDA Scientists: "Mmmmhmmm, you tell em girl"
FDA Higher Ups:"Ok ok. We approve. But if you are under 18 you're still up the shit creek without a paddle."
The rest of us: "Right, because 18 year olds can't find someone else to get them cigarettes, booze, spray paint, and cold medicine."
So it's a victory. A victory with caveats of course. As my fav bitchy blog "Broadsheet" points out, the US has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the western world. With this approval we are essentially still lacking sound policy to help the young women who need it the most. However, many activist groups have heard the rallying call and will focus their efforts on this unique and vulnerable population.
So seriously folks. Plan B is not an abortion pill. It PREVENTS pregnancy. It DOES NOT HARM an existing pregnancy. Tell women you know, tell young women, friends, and family.
For more information visit www.go2planb.com
or ask me.
Oh, and seriously, that church sign, check it out www.churchsigngenerator.com
I always wanted to drive through the south and take pics of church signs and put them in a coffee table book...apparently i'm not the only one with this brilliant idea...
Currently reading: Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
Currently listening: How to save a life by the Fray
battle of the bulge: the most stubborn cat in the world

well now ladies and gents, you knew it wouldn't be long before miss nico graced the pages of my blog. i can't help it. but seriously folks, we've got an issue on our hands.
miss nico is about 2 lbs overweight. now i've been told that a fat cat is a happy cat. but the issue with nico is that her belly sort of rolls over key areas that, well, let's face it, need some cleaning. and until she can clean said areas, i have to clean them. we'll just leave it at that.
needless to say, fattie needs to go on a diet.
but here is the problem. she eats ONLY dry cat food. evidently, this cat food is much higher in calories than moist food. so i thought, well, she's a princess, canned food is more expensive, so of course she'll go for it. only the best for my little girl.
the scene played out like this:
1. here kitty kitty, mmm, smell (nasty) this yummy canned food!
2. with much trepidation nico sniffs and recoils as though she's been zapped, looks at me, meows, walks off.
3. stubborn mama says oh no you don't and over the course of the next two hours attempts to mix in treats, dry food, and eventually smears the gravy on kitty's nose to get her to AT LEAST taste it.
4. cat meows. incessantly. for the next four hours.
5. nico decides, bitch, i'm gonna eat anything and everything i'm NOT supposed to, including tape on boxes, plastic bags, pieces of metal, your laptop charger cord.
6. mama goes to bed. tough love kitty, tough love.
7. kitty wakes mama up in middle of the night (3:45 a.m.) by throwing up plastic that she found god only knows where.
8. mama curses and gives a tablespoon of dry food.
now. repeat this FIVE TIMES. i am on the fifth night of this charade. it's now a battle of wills. and let me tell you, i will not get beat by this tubby little furball.
but i can't help but admire her tenacity. takes after her mama. :)
currently reading: gilead by marilynne robinson
currently listening: not an addict by k's choice
coming soon to a theater near you...
so i am squirming-in-my-seat excited about two movies coming out in september.
"science of sleep" stars my tiger-beat crush gael garcia bernal. maybe it's the vulnerability, the unassuming smile that he flashes, his perfect scruffy face. i have no idea. but i swoon. even though i heard he's a jerk. you know i really hate that whole "he's an asshole" "she's a bitch" celebrity commentary. what do i care really? i'm never going to share a cuppa tea with any of them am i? no, i'm simply going to admire them from afar.
science of sleep trailer can be found here: http://wip.warnerbros.com/scienceofsleep/
the second great looking movie is "the last kiss" with zach braff. i don't think he's an asshole. i saw him on charlie rose and he seemd like a stand-up guy. neither here nor there. according to my nifty roomie (NR) this movie is based on an original italian version by the same name. NR is very excited about this version as well because he appreciates the genius of mr. braff. i think i'll watch both and compare, much like i did with dangerous liasons and cruel intentions. only, i hope this works out better.
last kiss trailer can be found here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/thelastkiss/trailer-high.html
"science of sleep" stars my tiger-beat crush gael garcia bernal. maybe it's the vulnerability, the unassuming smile that he flashes, his perfect scruffy face. i have no idea. but i swoon. even though i heard he's a jerk. you know i really hate that whole "he's an asshole" "she's a bitch" celebrity commentary. what do i care really? i'm never going to share a cuppa tea with any of them am i? no, i'm simply going to admire them from afar.
science of sleep trailer can be found here: http://wip.warnerbros.com/scienceofsleep/
the second great looking movie is "the last kiss" with zach braff. i don't think he's an asshole. i saw him on charlie rose and he seemd like a stand-up guy. neither here nor there. according to my nifty roomie (NR) this movie is based on an original italian version by the same name. NR is very excited about this version as well because he appreciates the genius of mr. braff. i think i'll watch both and compare, much like i did with dangerous liasons and cruel intentions. only, i hope this works out better.
last kiss trailer can be found here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/thelastkiss/trailer-high.html
exhibit a

this not-so-little creature in the picture below greeted me this morning in the shower.
all i have to say is: wtf.
i mean i've seen some weird bugs, being from florida and all (palmetto bugs anyone?). but what is this thing?! i promptly took a picture so that i could show my friendly neighborhood exterminator. then, i promptly lost all nerve and ability to move and called for my nifty new roommate. his reply "oh shit!" but he maintained all gumption and swatted the hell out of said mystery bug.
exterminator reply: that's a centipede.
my reply: a centipede?! first rats, then pigeons (in my ceiling) and now centipedes! i'm in the city that never sleeps and the city that's always creepy-crawling...
the blog monster
why, you might be asking, have i given in and decided to do it? to blog? well to be honest, sometimes some really crazy shit happens to me here in the big apple. it's all part of the experience, but i thought i'd share it with the world. or at least the five or so people who will read my blog. (you know who you are and i love you dearly).
so here it is. my blog. only time will tell if i'll actually keep it up. we'll see!
so here it is. my blog. only time will tell if i'll actually keep it up. we'll see!
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