
invasion of the space snatchers

everyone knows, or should know, that when you live/visit new york city you have to be prepared to give up most of your personal space. it's simple math that when you pack however many millions of people onto a tiny island you will no doubt lose the coveted elbow room we all learned how to respect in kindergarten.

however. each new yorker walks around with their own personal bubble that is not to be invaded, no matter what. it is only a few inches of extra space, but it is very near and dear to our hearts.

in a matter of a single hour, my space was invaded three times. the consequences were nearly violent.

1. this ASS on the train was sitting across three seats, but they were the seats in the corner, sort of in an "L" position. so it's like 6:00 and the trains are crowded. i squeeze into one of the seats next to him and this other guy comes up and is like "can i sit there" in the one next to him where the rest of his shit was. the guy grunts and barely moves. so me and the other gentleman had to sit with our legs contorted and our stuff on our laps because that f-wit wouldn't sit like a normal person. that's complaint #1.

2. THEN. dirty old man with his dirty old dog are walking on the sidewalk. i take that back, the dog wasn't that dirty or old, he was kind of cute. but the man, dog, and leash take up the entire sidewalk. they come up to me and rather than giving poochie a little tug he lets the leash almost trip me as the dog stops in front of me and simply looks up. ok. thanks.

3. then, less than a block later, i'm thinking "hmm, i should blog about personal space...but i've only had two events happen and really, things are better in threes...oh well." well, dare i even think it...dirty old man #2 sitting on his rolly walker thing lights up a cigarette and flicks the empty matchbook into my face. INTO MY FACE! ladies and gentlemen, that was IT. i stopped. turned. and gave him my most disgusted looking scoff i could muster.

the nerve! the nerve!

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