

haikus are so great.
composed strategically
out of syllables.

could haikus be the latest form of mass expression? all you have to do is be able to count your syllables appropriately and you can convey all sorts of things. could this be the oft overlooked answer to classist underrepresentation in art and literature -- making a simple art form available to all?

i think so. and i've got the evidence to support my case:

exhibit 1:
gangsta haikus
throwing stars by mc sino
me just throwing stars

from back seat of stolen cars

you'll wish you caught SARS

exhibit 2:
samurai appliance repairman
i shit you not, this guy at fixitnow.com writes haikus that advise you on small appliance repair.
for example:
Dryer runs all day
clothes get warm, but wet remains.
replace the vent now.

exhibit 3:
harry potter haikus

Harry soars past us
a song in his heart, the Snitch
in his sweaty palms

Mirror Girl, 12
harharhar. see post below.

exhibit 4:
there is even a page dedicated to haikus for recently neutered dogs.
First you picked me up
I licked your nose, we were friends
Then you took my balls
- scherrah

exhibit 5: cat haikus, natch
We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?

exhibit 6:
the always hilarious and often personally relevant hipster haikus
Pop will eat itself:
Hence, t-shirts with wry slogans
About wry t-shirts

exhibit 7: file under "wtf"
this person created haikus using upside down calculators
Illegible blob
Legless eggshell oozes oil
Elegize his loss

exhibit 8: redneck haikus
ooohhhh, the potential. the sheer unlimited potential...
I curse the rainbow
Emblazoned upon his hood
Goddamn Jeff Gordon

exhibit 9:
the sarcasm society (if you can believe that actually exists) has a haiku page as well
with gems like:
It's Evolution!
People are getting smarter!
God has told me so!
by Andrew N. 16th of May, 2006

and finally exhibit 10: the daily haiku
often political, always satisfying (and illustrated well):

That's my favorite couch.
It's where Bill tagged Monica.
It still smells like him.

well, dear readers, that's all for now. i hope you've enjoyed my foray into creative expression via limited syllabic genius.

all it takes is some
creativity and the
skill to count your words

currently listening: "show me" by mint royale feat. de la soul (addictive! catchy!)
currently reading: not enough
currently feeling: strangely fine

1 comment:

Allison the Meep said...

those really made me
laugh so hard, mostly the one
about dogs sans nards